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Duck feet

Great dental chew for small dogs and a crunchy snack for bigger dogs 

*highly digestible


*high protein

*joint care

*dental care

*chicken free

*suitable for puppies over 12 weeks old 


100% Duck feet

Protein 50.06%, Fat 35.74%, Fibre 3.61%

Duck feet

  • *Please note the ages we suggest are just a guide you know your dog better than anyone and how they chew, please throw away any small bits your dog may be able to choke on.

    *Always supervise when giving your dog a treat even the most advanced chewers can choke, puppies or introducing a new treat may need you to hold it for them untill they know not to gulp it down or get to excited and swallow it whole.

    *please also note as these treats are natural their sizes may differ 

    *New treats can sometimes cause upset tummies so try not to feed to many at once, or if your dog has not had a particular treat before.

    *Always provide fresh drinking water

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